Security personal information
Rules followed when processing personal data on the website:
1. Strict measures are taken to protect the user's personal data (name, surname, email address, phone number, residential address, etc.) stored on the website and prevent disclosure to third parties;
2. When storing the user's email address on the website, sharing or disclosing it to third parties without the user's consent is prohibited, as well as sending advertising or spam messages to the provided email address;
3. The collection and processing of the user's personal data on the website are carried out with the aim of ensuring its protection;
4. The document explaining the use of personal data on the website — the Privacy Policy — is available for review at the bottom of the website page.
Rules followed when making payments through the website:
1. The website does not store the user's bank card CVC code;
2. The online payment capabilities, the format for entering payment information, and the payment page comply with the requirements set by the financial institutions of Turkmenistan.
It is important to ensure that the digital system operates securely, ensuring the protection of information and the economic security of the state, as well as the inviolability of personal data and citizens' private lives in the digital environment!