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Tasks and functions of the ministry


on the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan

1. The Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) is the central executive authority implementing a unified state policy in the field of public health protection, psychiatric care, psychological services, donation and drug provision.

2. In its activities, the Ministry is guided by the Constitution of Turkmenistan, the laws of Turkmenistan, decrees of the President of Turkmenistan, resolutions of the Chambers of the National Council of Turkmenistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan, other normative legal acts of Turkmenistan, international treaties of Turkmenistan and this Regulation.

3. In its activities, the Ministry is subordinate to the President of Turkmenistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

4. The main tasks of the Ministry:

1) implementation of a unified state policy in the field of public health protection, psychiatric care, psychological services, donation and drug provision;

2) implementation of state programs in the field of healthcare;

3) adoption of regulatory laws within the limits of their powers;

4) control over the implementation of regulatory legislation within the limits of its powers;

5) improving the organization, management and financing of healthcare;

6) organization and implementation of effective preventive measures;

7) Providing the population with accessible, high-quality and highly qualified medical care;

8) providing citizens with free medical care and medical services in a volume guaranteed by the state;

9) development and improvement of the system of state voluntary medical insurance of citizens;

10) provision of paid medical services to citizens;

11) development and improvement of the principle of family medicine;

12) implementation of the functions of the authorized body in terms of protecting the health of citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco use;

13) implementation of comprehensive measures to prevent the harmful effects of alcohol, control the import of safe and high-quality alcoholic products to Turkmenistan, monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of measures aimed at preventing the harmful effects of alcohol, reducing alcohol consumption, promoting a healthy lifestyle;

14) coordination of work on the implementation of state policy in the field of sanatorium-resort work;

15) state registration of the sanatorium and resort fund of Turkmenistan and keeping the state list of sanatoriums, including natural recreation areas and sanatorium institutions;

16) control over the protection of natural healing resources and sanatoriums of Turkmenistan and their regular use;

17) coordination of the work of psychiatric institutions, control of their activities;

18) organization of medical, medico-social and psychiatric expertise, medical examination, medical and psychiatric examination in public health institutions;

19) assessment of the quality, validity and effectiveness of measures in the provision of psychiatric care;

20) providing methodological guidance on psychological services;

21) approval of clinical trials of medicines;

22) organization of provision of state healthcare institutions with medicines, medical devices and chemical products;

23) control over the provision of safe, high-quality and effective medicines and medical products to the population;

24) if it is fact that medicines do not meet the requirements for the production (manufacture) and sale (release) of medical products, temporarily lay-off their production (manufacture) and sale (release);

25) development of the pharmaceutical and medical products industry;

26) provision of sanitary and epidemiological work;

27) training, retraining and advanced training of medical workers;

28) development of a plan for the training, retraining and advanced training of medical workers;

29) ensuring the professional certification of medical workers;

30) carrying out licensing activities in accordance with the legislation;

31) ensuring the development of the material, technical and information base of the healthcare institutions subordinate to it.

5. In accordance with the assigned tasks, the Ministry:

1) implements a unified state policy in the field of public health protection, psychiatric care, psychological services, donation and drug provision;

2) implements state programs in the field of healthcare;

3) adopts regulatory laws within the limits of its powers;

4) controls the implementation of regulatory legislation within the limits of its powers;

5) Improves the organization, management and financing of healthcare;

6) organizes and implements effective preventive measures;

7) provides the population with accessible, high-quality and highly qualified medical care;

8) provides citizens with free medical care and medical services in a volume guaranteed by the state;

9) develops and improves the system of state voluntary medical insurance of citizens;

10) provides paid medical care to citizens;

11) provides citizens with first aid, specialized medical care, emergency care, palliative care, including using telehealth;

12) develops and improves the principles of family medicine;

13) provides medical services to the population on the principle of family medicine;

14) provides medical services and care to citizens in healthcare institutions, as well as organizes financial support for these institutions;

15) provides medical care (services) in the field of orthopedics and prosthodontics;

16) in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan, provides medical and social assistance to persons with disabilities, including minors with disabilities and persons with disabilities since childhood, carries out their rehabilitation;

17) ensures the databases maintenance in the field of public health protection, including observance of confidentiality of personal data contained therein in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan;

18) performs the functions of an authorized body in the field of protecting the health of citizens from exposure to tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco use;

19) implements comprehensive measures to prevent the harmful effects of alcohol, controls the import of safe and high-quality alcoholic products to Turkmenistan, monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of measures aimed at preventing the harmful effects of alcohol, reducing alcohol consumption, and promoting a healthy lifestyle;

20) develops measures to further reduce the mortality of the population, including child and maternal mortality, as well as more common diseases, including infectious and non-communicable, alcoholism and smoking;

21) coordinates the work on the implementation of the state policy in the field of sanatorium-resort work;

22) carries out the state registration of the sanatorium and resort fund of Turkmenistan and the state list of sanatoriums, including natural recreation areas and sanatorium institutions;

23) controls the protection of natural healing resources and sanatoriums of Turkmenistan and their rational use;

24) coordinates the work of psychiatric institutions, controls their activities;

25) organizes medical, medical-social and psychiatric examination, medical examination, medical and psychiatric examination in public health institutions;

26) evaluates the quality, validity and effectiveness of measures in the provision of psychiatric care;

27) provides methodological guidance on the provision of psychological services;

28) authorizes clinical trials of medicines;

29) defines the list of types of major narcotic drugs used in the country;

30) carries out state registration of medicines and medical devices;

31) organizes the provision of public health institutions with medicines, immunobiological agents, disinfectants, including other special means of preventing infectious diseases, medical devices, chemicals and chemical products;

32) controls the provision of safe, high-quality and effective medicines and medical products to the population;

33) regardless of the form of ownership and departmental subordination, carries out control over the work of pharmacy institutions in accordance with the established procedure;

34) if it is fact that medicines do not meet the requirements for the production (manufacture) and sale (release) of medical products, their production (manufacture) and distribution (release) are temporarily laid off;

35) develops the industry of pharmaceuticals and medical devices;

36) exports medicines and medical devices manufactured by pharmaceutical industry enterprises in accordance with the legislation;

37) centralizes and organizes the purchase of medicines for the needs of the population and healthcare institutions;

38) provides sanitary and epidemiological work;

39) provides sanitary protection of the territory of Turkmenistan, measures to prevent infection and other diseases, carries out state sanitary and epidemiological control, preventive measures to ensure a favorable sanitary and epidemiological situation;

40) ensures the issuance of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion on the compliance of products that may be dangerous to human health with sanitary norms, rules and hygiene standards;

41) conducts laboratory tests and certification of tobacco products together with the Main State Service “Turkmenstandartlary”;

42) carries out licensing activities in accordance with the legislation;

43) provides training, retraining and advanced training of medical workers;

44) develops a plan for the training, retraining and advanced training of medical workers;

45) carries out professional certification of medical workers in accordance with the legislation;

46) in accordance with the legislation, employs specialists from leading healthcare institutions in foreign countries and sends Turkmen specialists to foreign countries for advanced training;

47) ensures the development of medical science, the organization and carrying out of scientific research in the field of public health protection;

48) defines the direction of development of the electronic health system;

49) implements digital medical and electronic document management systems and modern multimedia technologies in healthcare institutions, ensures data protection and security within its authority;

50) ensures the work of electronic information and communication systems in the field of public health protection, as well as the organization of their use by individuals and legal entities in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan;

51) improves the health statistics system of Turkmenistan in accordance with international standards;

52) conducts explanatory work among the population on methods of prevention and treatment of diseases, promotes and implements a healthy lifestyle;

53) ensures timely consideration of citizens' appeals and takes measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings;

54) coordinates the work of healthcare institutions, educational institutions and pharmaceutical industry enterprises under its jurisdiction, as well as the work of other ministries and departments in the field of public health protection;

55) ensures the development of the material and technical base of subordinate healthcare institutions;

56) conducts the construction of buildings and structures of healthcare institutions subordinate to it, their intended use, repair work, as well as their engineering support;

57) prepares recommendations on the feasibility of implementing healthcare facilities and other projects with the participation of foreign investors;

58) carries out international cooperation and foreign economic activities related to the tasks assigned to it;

59) implements activities to improve the living conditions of medical workers;

60) carries out other activities within the limits of its powers.

6. The Ministry has the right to:

1) create, reorganize and liquidate institutions under its control in accordance with the established procedure;

2) participate in the project development of regulatory legal acts;

3) develop and implement measures for the social protection of health workers in cooperation with relevant ministries, departmental departments and public organizations;

4) develop state standards for financial and material support of healthcare institutions jointly with the relevant ministries and departmental management bodies;

5) request and receive information from ministries, departmental management bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations, regardless of departmental subordination and forms of ownership; provide information necessary for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Ministry.

7. The Ministry is headed by a Minister appointed and dismissed by the President of Turkmenistan.

8. The Minister has two deputies who are appointed and dismissed by the President of Turkmenistan, including the Deputy Minister for the organization of medical and preventive care, the Deputy Minister - the head of the State Service for Sanitation and Control of Diseases.

9. The Director General of the Directorate of International Health Centers, the Director General of the Directorate of Infectious Diseases Centers and the Director of the Consulting and Medical Center named after S.A. Niyazov are appointed and dismissed by the President of Turkmenistan.

10. The Minister:

1) directs the work of the Ministry and is personally responsible to the President of Turkmenistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan for the fulfillment of the duties assigned to the Ministry and the implementation of its activities;

2) distributes responsibilities between his deputies and heads of structural divisions of the central office of the Ministry, determines the level of their responsibility for the assigned field of work, and regulates labor relations with employees of the Ministry in accordance with the labor legislation of Turkmenistan;

3) independently makes decisions on issues related to the activities of the Ministry;

4) establishes cooperation with other ministries and departmental management bodies on issues related to the authority of the Ministry;

5) approves the charters of his/her subordinate institutions;

6) coordinates the work of subordinate institutions;

7) appoints and dismisses employees of the central office of the Ministry, as well as heads of their subordinate institutions and enterprises in accordance with the established procedure;

8) applies incentive and disciplinary measures to employees of the central office of the Ministry and heads of enterprises controlled by it, as well as nominates distinguished employees to receive state awards;

9) signs legal acts adopted by the Ministry, including regulatory acts, and monitors their implementation;

10) repeals the orders of the heads of institutions and enterprises under his control that contradict the legislation of Turkmenistan;

11) approves the personal arrangements of the central office of the Ministry in accordance with the established procedure;

12) carries out other activities within the limits of his/her powers.

11. The structure of the central office of the Ministry and number of staff are approved by the President of Turkmenistan.

12. The Ministry is a legal entity and has separate property, a seal with the National Flag of Turkmenistan and its name, stamps, letterheads, as well as settlement, currency and other accounts in banking institutions of Turkmenistan.

13. Expenses related to the allowance of the central office of the Ministry are financed from the State Budget of Turkmenistan.

14. The Ministry is reorganized and abolished in accordance with the legislation of Turkmenistan.

It was approved by the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan 

“On issues of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan” 

No. 2230 dated April 16, 2021.
