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International Exhibition and Scientific Conference «Health care, Education and Sport in the era of the revival of the new epoch of the Powerful state»

Dear colleagues! Ladies and Gentlemen! The Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan, The Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan, the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan (hereinafter referred to as the Organizing Committee), and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan invite you to the International Exhibition «Healthcare, Education and Sports in the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state» and within its framework a scientific conference which will be held on October 10 – 12, 2024.

The International exhibition and Scientific conference are dedicated to the Health and Medical Industry Workers' Day.

The International Exhibition and Scientific conference will be held in honor of the widely celebrated professional holiday in our country — the Health and Medical Industry Workers' Day — and will officially open on October 10, 2024, at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Turkmenistan.

Representatives from various fields of medicine from many countries around the world, as well as leaders and employees of ministries, institutions, and enterprises, will participate in the international exhibition. Turkmen businessmen and foreign companies will take part in the exhibition. They will showcase pharmaceutical products, medical equipment, and consumables, as well as offer various medical services, a wide range of natural cosmetic products, children's products, and food products.

The international exhibition provides great opportunities for product promotion, business development, market research, and meetings with specialists from different regions of the country and abroad.

At the international exhibition, enterprises of the «Türkmendermansenagat» association will showcase their achievements in the production of medicinal preparations based on local plant materials — medicinal plants growing on Turkmen soil and noted in the scientific work and multi-volume encyclopedia of Hero-Arkadag «Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan». The association will also demonstrate videos and results achieved in the country's sanatoriums, as well as multi-faceted efforts aimed at achieving healthy lifestyle principles.

The Ministry of Education will present its achievements at the current exhibition. Videos, stands, and exhibits will introduce guests to the systematic promotion of digital education, which is a powerful catalyst for innovation, new knowledge, science, advanced technologies, and competitiveness.

On the monitor installed in the center of the exhibition area of the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, footage will be shown highlighting the multifaceted work being carried out in our country under the leadership of the President of Turkmenistan to strengthen the nation's health, engage Turkmen citizens in a healthy lifestyle, and promote physical culture and sports.

In the afternoon, the opening of the International Scientific Conference «Healthcare, Education and Sports in the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state» will take place in the conference hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, featuring speeches by foreign scientists and professors.

The International Scientific Conference will continue until October 12 and be carried out in 19 sections, which will be held in the largest institutions of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry and higher educational institutions of the capital.

The working languages of the conference are Turkmen, English, and Russian.

Participants will discuss a wide range of topics in thematic sessions, including «Internal diseases» «Cardiology and cardiosurgery», «Oncology», «Ophthalmology», «Infectious diseases», «Mother and child health protection», «Surgery», «Public health and epidemiology», «Digital health care», «Genome medicine», «Adaptation of the human body, environmental physiological tasks and basic questions of pulmonology and allergology», «Innovative educational technologies», «Digital economy as important condition for sustainable development», «Improving teaching of foreign languages as important task of educational policy», «Science and innovative technologies. Training quality specialists», «Innovative technologies in sports», «Scientific bases of training national teams for international competitions», «Developing healthy lifestyles and enhancing physical activity of population», «The Role of Young Scholars in the Development of Science».

As part of the forum «Healthcare, Education and Sports in the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state» a concert featuring creative ensembles of cultural and art workers is planned to be held at the Song and musical centre «Ashgabat».

Conditions for participation in the International Scientific Conference «Healthcare, Education and Sports in the Epoch of the Revival of a new era of a powerful state»:

1. Researchers who want to attend the conference should submit abstract. There should be no more than two-three co-authors of the paper. The content of the report should be of an independent research nature and correspond to the stated topic.

2. For participation in the conference, the attendee registration form has to be filled out (standard font, Times New Roman, 12 pt).

3. For participation in the conference abstracts and annotations of the report should be prepared. Abstracts should be prepared in one of the working languages of the conference, and annotations in the two other languages.

3.1. The Organizing Committee bears responsibility for translation of annotations and abstracts of reports of foreign participants into Turkmen languages.

3.2. Translations of annotations for reports by domestic participants into English and Russian must be certified by the relevant departments of higher educational institutions or translation organizations.

4. Abstracts and annotations must be reviewed by the organization where the author works and sent to the Organizing Committee for the international conference along with a cover letter signed by the head of the organization. Electronic versions of the theses and annotations must be attached to the letter.

5. Authors bear personal responsibility for the content of submitted papers.

Requirements for abstracts and annotations of papers

1. To participate in the International Scientific Conference, please submit your application papers and abstracts to the Organizing Committee. Abstracts of the report should not exceed 1.5 pages in A4 format (210×297 mm), and annotations 0.5 of the page. In Times New Roman, script 14, interval 1.5.

2. Margins: top and bottom 2.0 cm, left 2.5 cm, right 1.5 cm. Orientation portrait, font Times New Roman, size 14 pt, text spacing single.

The attendee registration form










Academic degree, title


Full working address


The address of the workplace (including zip code)


Work phone number and E-mail


Title of the report (Do not write in uppercase letters)


Thematic field of the report


The Language of the report


3. Figures, formulas and tables are to be used only in cases when it is impossible to describe the process in text form. In this case, each object should not exceed the specified page sizes, and the font in it should not be less than 14. The total volume of the abstract together with figures, formulas and tables should not exceed 1,5 page of A4 format.

4. All materials and abstracts submitted for the conference are accepted only in Microsoft Word document (with doc, docx extension);

5. Abstracts and annotations should be stored in one file and are ordered in the following form:

the name, surname of the author is typed in lowercase letters in bold, size 14 and aligned to the right edge of the page, the name of the state should be given in brackets;

the title of the annotations, abstract is typed in capital letters in bold, font 16, aligned to the page center;

before the typing the next text of the abstract, skip 1 line.

6. The texts of abstracts and annotations are aligned to the width of the page. Mathematical formulas should be typed with the appropriate formula editors.

7. Pages of abstracts and annotations should not be numbered.

8. Abstracts that do not meet the requirements are not accepted for consideration.

9. Corrections and addition for accepted papers are not allowed.

10. Abstracts may be rejected by the decision of the Organizing Committee.

11. Submitted documents are not returned.

12. Abstracts of the report and annotations are placed in one file. The file name must contain the last name, first name, patronymic of the speaker and the letter code «tez». For example: the speaker Nurmurad Ataev, the file name «Ataev N. tez». 

13. Registration forms are filled in by all authors of the report and placed in one file. First comes the form of the speaker, then the co-author. The file name of the registration form must combine the last name, first name, patronymic of the author and the letter code «reg». For example, «Ataev N. reg».

14. Do not archive files!

15. Registration forms, abstracts, and annotations for participation in the international scientific conference are accepted until July 25, 2024.

Contact us,

Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan

Phone number: (+99312) 40-04-51, 40-04-11, 48-92-94

Fax number: (+993 12) 40-04-53, 40-04-66


Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan

Phone number: (+99312) 44-84-09, 36-17-34


The State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports of Turkmenistan

Phone number: +993 (12) 39-98-37


Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan

Phone number: +993 (12) 94-14-52

E-mail: rustamtme@gmail.сom

Organizing Committee
