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«Berzengi» mineral medicinal water enterprise

At present, on the country territory more than 20 sources with medical properties are known. One of very important among them is a Berzengi source located 7.5 km to the south of a white-marble capital of the country, in the Central Kopetdag foothills. The water from this free-flow source No.l from the depth of 1250 metres contains numerous useful minerals in its composition. Its total mineralization M-3.2g/dm3, temperature 36 °C, pH = 7.2. The source water yield is 5 litres of water a second. In «Berzengi» mineral water composition there are following minerals: azot 92 % out of total gases, hydrogen sulphide 3.3 - 3.9 mg/dm3, sulphates, calcium, magnesium 83, 57, 28 equiv. % accordingly. In a small amount, it contains sich micro-​impurities as: iodine 0.2 mg/dm3, bromine 1.1 mg/dm3, zinc 10 - 15 mg/dm3, manganese 0.005 mg/dm3. From the hydrogeochemical point of view this water is referred to medical-table mineral waters.

«Berzengi» mineral water is recommended at the following diseases:

I. Gastrointestinal tract diseases:

1. Chronic gastritis remission stage;

2. Reflux esophagitis motor and evacuation function failure;

3. Stomach ulcer and duodenal gut disease remission;

4. Chronic colitis and enterocolitis of a noninfectious origin;

5. Intestine dysfunction remission.

II. Endocrine Diseases:

1. Pancreatic diabetes.

III. Urology Diseases:

1. Chronic renal insufficiency and slight azotemia;

2. Chronic pyelonephritis remission.

In view of the aforesaid, the construction in Ashgabat, in Berzengi, «Berzengi» Mineral Medicinal Water Enterprise, which construction works have been performed in accordance with the Decree of the President of Turkmenistan No. 12548 dated September 14, 2012 «On Construction of Pharmaceutical Enterprises of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan» by Turkish Company.

The Enterprise has a capacity of 5,0 million bottles of water a year or 3500 bottles of water an hour. The bottles of the volume of 250 ml or 500 ml of water are produced in an aerated andinnon-aeratedform.

The Enterprise operates process, production and auxiliary equipment, devices for quality and quantity analyses of Italian company «Korfil». The production process at the Enterprise is conducted in accordance with the increased requirements of our time.

The Enterprise includes the Water Treatment Department, the Production Department and the Quality Control and Microbiology Department.

Water Treatment Department

In the Department the water from a natural source is collected in a tank of the volume of 10 tons, passed through a coarse filter and treated from stones and other solid particles. Then on specialized equipment the water is treated from iron and manganese ions. At the following stage the water is passed through activated carbon and softened to a certain extent and collected in a tank of the volume of 5 tons. Then industrial water is consistently passed through the fine filters of the sizes of 10 micron and 5 micron and exposed to an ultra-violet Hight. The completely treated water is supplied to the Production Department.

Production Department

The Department work is performed at high level in accordance with the European requirements. Here, the water treated and cooled up to 10°C and enriched with carbon dioxide or carbon-dioxide gass (CO2) in a degree of 9 g/l. This work is carried out on equipment of German Company «Wayskof».

Simultaneously, the bottles for filling with mineral water are put on special equipment and supplied to a monoblock. In a monoblock 16 bottles are washed simultaneously, filled with industrial water and closed with a screw cap. At the next stage the bottles are labeled and marked.

Then 6 pieces of 500-ml bottles per pack and 12 pieces of 250-ml bottles per pack are wrapped up with polyethylene film and delivered to the finished goods warehouse.

Quality Control and Microbiology Department

In the Department various analytical devices for quality, quantity and microbiological analyses are placed. They are made in the developed countries of Europe.

Here, observance of sanitary norms at the Enterprise, quality of used water, raw and packing materials is consistently controlled. The compliance with the established norms of mineralization degree and carbon-dioxide gas content in the finished goods as well as pH indicator is constantly checked. The analyses are conducted in accordance with the European requirements.

The finished goods of this Enterprise will provide the people of the country with curative water of the sacred Turkmen land. The versatile medical properties of this mineral water is a convincing basis for its export to the foreign countries.

Name of the organization: «Berzengi» mineral medicinal water enterprise

Address: 3, «Berzengi» street, Ashgabat city, 744036, Turkmenistan 

Telephone number: +993 (12) 48-97-47

Fax: +993 (12) 48-97-47


Organization mode:
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 18:00 (break 13:00 – 14:00)

Buses: 16

Landmarks: Sanatorium «Berzengi»

Location on the map: Yandex Map
