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Sanatorium «Avaza»

In the era of the Revival of the new epoch of a powerful state, the flourishing and beautiful corners of our Homeland, including the National Tourist Zone «Avaza», have become popular tourist destinations not only for our compatriots but also for tourists from around the world. Currently, «Avaza» is highly popular both domestically and internationally, thanks to its modern sanatorium-resort complexes, hotels, sports facilities, and parks for culture and recreation. A walk along the Caspian's thousands-of-kilometers-long white-shell beach, reminiscent of a work of white mosaic, brings pleasant sensations and strengthens one's health. Visiting this healing place, even for a moment to see such beauty and breathe the fresh air of «Avaza», is a dream for everyone.

The water, air, soil, and seaweed here are healing. The «Avaza» Sanatorium, built in the National Tourist Zone, offers a wide range of comprehensive treatment methods, including aerotherapy, heliotherapy, thalassotherapy (breathing sea air), physiotherapy, algotherapy (treatment with seaweed), and various other treatments. Utilizing the rich natural healing gifts of our region, the sanatorium provides effective medical services aimed at strengthening the health of guests, restoring their well-being, preventing various diseases, and extending life.

The «Avaza» Sanatorium is located on the Caspian Sea coast in the «Avaza» district of the city of Turkmenbashi in the Balkan velayat. The nine-story building of this sanatorium complex, which meets international standards, opened in July 2018 and can accommodate up to 200 people at a time.

The sanatorium is equipped with a special water supply system that draws seawater from the depths of the Caspian Sea for therapeutic purposes. Additionally, a well with mineral water was drilled on the complex's grounds, reaching a depth of 600 meters. The mineral water contains iodine (53.64 mg/dm³), bromine (312 mg/dm³), as well as chlorine, bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, and sodium. The water's mineralization is 196.4 mg/dm³, and its temperature is 26°C.

The sanatorium offers departments for mineral water treatments (balneotherapy and mud therapy), as well as diagnostics and consultations, rehabilitation, and physiotherapy (mechanotherapy, acupuncture, occupational therapy, sling therapy, ozone therapy, pressotherapy, and laser therapy rooms). The complex also features a swimming pool and a spa.

In the balneotherapy and mud therapy department, all conditions are provided for underwater massage using iodized bromine mineral water, chromotherapy, galvanic baths, various types of showers, aqua massage, and hydrocolonotherapy.

The diagnostics and consultation department offers facilities for X-ray diagnostics, ultrasound examinations, and laboratory tests. The offices of the dentist, gynecologist, therapist, neurologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, ophthalmologist, and otolaryngologist are fully equipped, allowing patients to undergo comprehensive medical examinations. This is a positive factor in increasing the effectiveness of treatments at the sanatorium.

The «Avaza» Sanatorium is equipped with advanced medical equipment from Germany, Italy, France, and the Netherlands in its medical and diagnostic offices. The doctors, who are experts in their fields, provide our citizens with high-quality sanatorium-resort services.

The «Avaza» Sanatorium provides treatment for the following conditions:

• Nervous system diseases: functional disorders of the central nervous system, neuroses, vegetovascular dystonia, chronic fatigue syndrome, diseases of the peripheral nervous system (osteochondrosis, neuralgia, neuropathy);

• Cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, coronary heart disease, post-infarction cardiosclerosis, atherosclerosis of the heart and brain vessels, varicose veins;

• Musculoskeletal system diseases: arthritis, polyarthritis;

• Endocrine diseases: obesity, thyroid disorders, diabetes mellitus, pituitary insufficiency;

• Respiratory diseases: mild to moderate bronchial asthma during remission, allergic and asthmatic chronic bronchitis, chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, pollinosis, allergic rhinosinusitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;

• Skin diseases: neurodermatitis, eczema, inflammatory dermatitis;

• Urinary system diseases: pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, urolithiasis;

• Reproductive system diseases: endometritis, prostate adenoma, prostatitis.

The complex of beneficial sea and mineral water substances, combined with the coastal sea air, effectively contributes to improving overall human health. Citizens referred to the sanatorium by their family doctors or specialists recover and restore their health.

Currently, the quality of sanatorium-resort services worldwide is constantly improving and modernizing. To provide our citizens with modern and high-quality sanatorium services, the medical staff of the sanatorium visits foreign countries for training and professional development. This allows them to refine their skills, share experiences, and stay updated on the latest trends in the field.

In addition to treatment rooms, the sanatorium has relaxation areas for guests. It also features a dining hall offering dietary meals prepared by a nutritionist, a shop, a library, internet and conference rooms, tennis and billiard halls, and a phytobar. The phytobar offers herbal teas made from medicinal plants native to the country. These plants are described in the multi-volume scientific encyclopedic works of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, «Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan», as well as in the book «Tea – Medicine and Inspiration». The phytobar brews aromatic teas according to recipes from these books and serves them to visitors.

This contributes to the positive effects of sanatorium-resort treatment. The «Avaza» Sanatorium is available to our compatriots year-round.

Name of the organization: Sanatorium «Avaza»

Address: Sanatorium «Avaza», Oguz han avenue, Avaza district of Turkmenbashi city, Balkan region, 745000

Telephone number: +993 (243) 5-78-20

Fax: +993 (243) 5-77-68


Buses: 7

Landmarks: Sanatorium-resort complex «Dashoguz»

Location on the map: Yandex Map
