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Sanatorium «Berzengi»

The sanatorium «Berzengi» is located in the foothills of the Kopetdag Mountains at an average distance of 7.5 kilometers to the south from Ashgabat city. The sanatorium has functioned since 1967. In 2012 the new building of the sanatorium was put into operation. 

The unique source of the mineral water is a vertical well of 1600 meters in depth. The water is notable for its hydrochemical composition and possesses a wide spectrum of medicinal properties: it contains main chemical elements, magnesium sulfate, potassium sulfate, the salinity of water is low (3.2 – 3.4 mg/dm3), the temperature is subthermal (36 С °), it is of low alkalinity (рН 7.2 – 7.6), hydrogen sulfide (3.2 – 3.5 mg/dm3), iodine (0.2 mg/ dm3), bromine (1.1 mg/dm3), zinc (10-15 mg/dm3), manganese (0.005 mg/dm3) occur in trace amounts and it has organic substances: silicic acid and others. According to hydrogeochemistry standards the mineral water is medicinal table water, the efficaciousness of mineral water depends on the amount of the chemical elements and chemical compounds (salts and ions) entering into its composition. The unique composition of the water has an effect in all respects on the human organism. The increase or decrease of its efficaciousness depends on the method used. 

Indications for usage of drinking water «Berzengi». The drinking water «Berzengi» is used in diseases of the digestive system, namely chronic gastritis, the ulcerative disease of the stomach and the duodenum, chronic colitis, chronic diseases of the liver and the bile ducts, after the operation on the stomach, chronic diseases of the urinary tract, diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent type) of mild and moderate type, obesity. 

Indications for usage of mineral water «Berzengi» used for bathing. The mineral water «Berzengi» is applied in the treatment of hyperten sion of type I-II, chronic ischemic heart disease, exertional angina pectoris with rare attacks functional class I-II, cardiosclerosis, arrhythmia, circulatory disturbance of functional class I-II, hypertonic or hypotonic neurocirculatory dystonia, diseases of the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, namely osteochondrosis with secondary neurological disorders, chronic spondylarthrosis (but not of tuberculous etiology), post-traumatic spondylopathy, diabetes mellitus, multiple neuritis, mono-poly-hemiparesis, noninfectious arthropathy, and also skin diseases, allergy, dermatitis and urticaria, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, chronic renal insufficiency and azotemia, chronic pyonephritis, cystitis (but not of tuberculous etiology), diseases of the kidney and urinary tract, indolent wounds and burns. The sanatorium functions on an outpatient basis. 

The sanatorium services are rendered year-round.

Name of the organization: Sanatorium «Berzengi»

Address: 1, «Berzengi» street, Ashgabat city, 744036

Telephone number: +993 (12) 48-89-31




Buses: 16

Landmarks: «Berzengi» mineral medicinal water enterprise

Location on the map: Yandex Map
